1. Parents must be given to understand that they cannot dictate to the Management. Management has a right to say on what conditions they will admit or retain pupils in their school.
  2. A parent or guardian of a new student, join­ing from home or from a private school has to produce an official Birth Certificate from Municipal register or Gram panchyat register in support of the date of birth entered in the Admission Form.
  3. No child less than five or more than seven years is admitted to the first standard and a corresponding scale of age is fixed for the subsequent standards.
  4. A candidate who has attended any recognized school must produce Leaving Certificate from that school for admission. A pupil coming from another state must get his leaving certificate countersigned by the Inspector of the School of that slate,
  5. A calendar month notice is to be given for the withdrawal of a pupil otherwise the fee will be charged. The notice of withdrawal should be given in writing by the parent/guardian and not by the pupil.
  6. No leaving certificate will be granted unless all dues are paid. Duplicate Leaving Certificate will be issued only on an affidavit being made by the student/parent/guardian before a Magistrate. No Duplicate Leaving Certificate will be granted to those who have already joined some other institution. A fee of Rs- 3/- will be charged for a Duplicate Leaving Certificate.
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